Monday, February 9, 2009

Neptune Day

We crossed the equator today!

There is a ritual from the 16th century (or at least this is the shlep the fed us) that whenever sailors cross the equator they must partake in Neptune Day!!

This is a day where we go from pollywogs to shell backs.

We started out at the crack of dawn with people dressed in white robes and tridents blowing whistles and knocking on all the doors at 730am! Caitlin and I woke up right away to claim a lounge chair, these are a dime a dozen. We got such a good spot we were thinking of selling them as prime real estate.

We grabbed some breakfast. Caitlin an I are officially a married couple, we eat what we want then pick at eachothers plates. 8am.. We set up shop.

King Neptune and his royal queen, aka a man and woman covered in green paint adorned with wigs makeup and jewelry, marched into the pool area to that boxing song. Dun na naaaaaa dun na naaaaa.

Our assistant executive dean was dressed as a peasant and he read us the sacred oath which we had to chant back and the festivites began!

Caitlin and I went together. These are the steps to become a shellback:
1. Get a mysterious blew liquid poured all over you (rumor has it, blue pancake batter)
2. You must kiss the dead fish (it had teeth)
3. Kiss King Neptunes ring
4. Jump in the pool

I am officially aloud to cross the equator.

After that myself and 300 students laid out on the deck. I got sun from 8am-3pm :) It was a beautiful day. They played music and cancelled classes, good thing because it would have been our 6th day and I was getting a bit stressed!

They're having a barbeque for us tonight, I'm hoping for veggie burger because they are sooo good on the ship.

For now I'm just relaxing in my room.

4 days until Namibia, I cannot believe its already been 3 weeks!


P.s. My friends and I entered the volleyball league, our team is the Orville Readyblockers (a thank you.) We had our first game the other night and I showed up looking like an olympian! Baseball hat, braid, socks... The whole deal. I was miserable. I looked good, that's about it! Haha I was too focused and ADD'ing on the fact that we were playing volleyball on a ship cruising along the African coast through the Canary Islands, and I just sucked. Ah well, I think I might have gotten the boot. But I made the team name so my legacy will never die :)

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