Thursday, February 5, 2009

Morocco - Marrakech

Two down ten to go

I love Morocco.

I would like to begin this blog post with this simple statement. Americans are idiots.

I will forever mock the pre-departure briefing we were given about women in Morocco. None of what was told of us was true. I could wear whatever I wanted and do whatever I please. Everyone was so nice and Marrakech was a beautiful city. We had a traditional lunch of couscous and green tea and then headed out to Palm Groves. The Moroccans took the scarf I was wearing and made it into a turban. BYOT Bring Your Own Turban. Before we got on the camels we went to a local house and had tea and crepes. Jadore crepes. It was great talking to the local people because I can speak French, They said its very rare for Americans who come to speak French and every time I would bust it out I felt uber cool

I felt bad for Caitlin because was not feeling well the whole day. She vommed before we left and then at the pit stop she said she was going to again so I went to the front of the bathroom line to say "can my friend cut she's about to hurl?" was too late haha. Then after lunch she sat down next to me and I said "Caitlin.. Your blue! Haha!" She definitely wanted to punch me, she said she had just fainted. Whoops! Where was I for that? Sorry Caitlin!

The camels were SO funny. I got on the lead camel (obviously) and the way they stand up after you have gotten on made me laugh so hard. They straighten their back legs first, and then the front. I was getting tossed! They smelt so bad, but were really cute. We took the camels through the local area and then headed to the hotel. The hotel was beautiful. They love tile work in Morocco and so everything is in such detail.

That night we went out to a local bar we saw on the way in. The Yellow Sub.It was an upscale bar that you could have found in NYC. It was Beatles themed so they had Beatles movies playing, music blasting and drinks flowing. It was such a great atmosphere and through the night we met three Moroccan women, instant BFFs. It was festival of crepes that day so we were served crepes for good luck and had great conversations.

The next morning we did the standard touristy things, which I dont really like doing. We went to the bazaar and looked at the millions of shops that had everything you will never need. This is where the women are harassedthing comes into the play. Nice eyes, how much?haha uhhhhh, not for sale. It was an experience to say the least. They had snake charmers and monkeys; little kids doing acrobatics and any kind of sportthat could possible get you some durham. Later in the day I got henna done and the lady wrote my name in it on my hand. Now, instead of Nice eyes, how much?it was Jacleeen Jacleeen I love you baby.Great. I got some nonsense souvenirs and we left to grab dinner the hotel. It was a stressful and overwhelming day, but it was something that had to be done.

The second night we met up with Anita (Moroccan BFF) at a local bar called Keshmarra (Marrakeshtook me hours to figure that out). They had a live band playing and they were AWESOME. They sang a lot of American songs and it was funny seeing everyone pretending they knew the words or what it meant. After that we went to a big club called Theatre. I requested Britney Spears but it never happened, ah well. We danced there for a bit and then headed out for 4th meal aka late night binge eating, a favorite past time of mine. :P We tasted some things that would not have been served to us at our tourist mealswhich seem almost staged. This is what Moroccans eat<insert overly large cheesy smile>

I went in knowing nothing about Morocco and left thinking that this was a place I definitely want to see again. There IS a Club Med Marrakesh for those who were wondering; you might see me there in a few years. What I keep coming to realize is that my little American brain cannot even fathom how alike we all really are. I am going to use a buzz word here and say that globalization keeps making this world smaller and smaller.

Side note: When I was sleeping in the hostel in Spain, one day I woke up with scarves and clothes all over me and I didnt know why. I come to find out I was snoring up a storm and everyone was throwing things at me to get me stop. Haha My bad!

Seven days to Namibia!!


P.s. Miss you !

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