Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Get Me To Namibia

So life is great on the ship now that its 80 degrees outside :) I could lay on a lounge chair until eternity...

I have two tests tomorrow and although we don't have a lot of class, the work load is still pretty large and they expect you to know an amount of information equal to that of having class everyday for a month. At 8am I have BioMedical Ethics... Should be a breeze :) and then at 430pm DUN DUN DUNN I have my Physics 2 test. I HATE Physics. It gave me abnormal heart rhythms and aged me 13 years last semester in Physics 1. Let me put this in perspective. In every class on the ship I have 25-30 students with me. In Physics I have 4. Why did we do this to ourselves? When I hear peoples schedules I die a little inside because they're really nervous about keeping up with their journal entries while I'm drawing and measuring magnitudes of force fields. Whenever I don't know something on a test I just write down anything that could possible get me a point and that means a smile face. There will be many faces tomorrow.

Yesterday Caitlin got called to the main lobby over the loud speaker. The first time it was "Caitlin Whale cabin 3045 to Tymitz Square" then when the repeat came they got it right "Caitlin Neill cabin 3045 to Tymitz Square." How does one confused Whale with Neill? Any who, I thought for sure she was going to have to walk the plank! Turns out she was in the first bunch for random drug testing. Get this, you get randomly drug tested, which is fine, but they make you pay for it! "Here is my pee and $20 for you to take it off my hands, its just been a real nuisance!" She passed. But some girl didn't! What an idiot.

Thank you to Pattycakes aka Mommy for allowing me to call the spa and book a pedicure tomorrow to scrub, clip and paint my troubles away.

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1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your tests...

    and enjoy your pedicure

    bet you'd rather spend $20.00 on 13 minutes over the drug test ;)
