Monday, February 2, 2009

Morocco Pre-Departure

Small update
We were supposed to be all over Morocco already (Tuesday, February 3rd) but we had to postpone it a day. After we left Cadiz, Spain we headed into the Meditteranean to fuel up by the Rock of Gibraltar. A fuel ship tied up to the MV Explorer but it was too rough to get the fuel line across. So, we sat in the Meditteranean for a full 24 hours. UGH! It was pretty neat because within 10 miles north and south you could see Europe and Africa.
We fueled up and left by 10am today. We got to Casablanca, Morocco by around 9pm. I was a little upset because today I was supposed to volunterr at the "SOS Childrens Village," a home for handicapped, sick and hungry orphans. SAS bought my ticket back for it and I will try to do it with the second group on the last day.
When we were docking the captain came over the loudspeaker and said "You have 5 minutes to secure your belongings and yourself, we are turning off the stabilizers to get into port." We didn't think much of it, but HOLY S%#$. I have never liked something more than I like ship stabilizers. We were near capsizing for sure. It went on for about 15 minutes. I got my video camera and walked up to the top floor to film it. I went into the dining hall just as a HUGE tilt happened. People fell out of their chairs, all of the plates smashed to the ground and everyone was screaming. The video is basically me laughing hysterically holding onto the wall and getting extreme pleasure from seeing others eat it. Tina would have really enjoyed it.
Tomorrow I have a 4 hour train to Merrakech, a city that is in the middle of Morocco as opposed to the shore. We are staying in a nice hotel and riding camels into the Sahara. COOL! We are also meeting up with the usual friends and trying our hand at meddling with the shop owners of the bazaars. I am invisioning Canal Street but instead of asian it's middle eastern and instead of sketchy trap doors to hidden rooms of Louis Vuitton, it will be 3 more steps towards the goat's head special. I think I got this.
Women get harassed in Morocco so I am wearing bigger shirts, a head scarf and the baggiest jeans I own... do I own those? Rumor has it that last semester a guy with a group of girls from SAS got offered camels for a few lovely ladies. I think it's a pretty even trade. No?
Well, time for bed... See you all on Saturday.
P.S. They speak french in Morocco, c'est bon!
Au Revoir,

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