Wednesday, January 28, 2009

SPAIN Part 1


We have finally, FINALLY made it to Spain.

Since my last post not much has happened because I was still going through the monotonous motions of ship life until today: Some highlights.

The final stretch of the eight-day passage of the Atlantic Ocean, aka the passage of death, got a little crazy. There is a channel on our television that shows the exact location of the ship, coordinates, speed, temperature and so on. This is my favorite channel. It’s like getting a present everyday and never knowing what is inside. It starts with the power button, the red one of endless mystery. Basically, whoever chooses the soundtrack for this channel either thinks it is a funny joke or is seriously trying to invoke hysteria upon others. The first half of the voyage was a lot of techno, most likely pumped from the captain’s iPod. The closer we got to Spain the more Enrique Iglesias was forced through the speaker into my head. The day before we got to Spain, Caitlin and I were napping, for our Nap Club requirements, clearly. We woke around 3pm and laid in bed for a bit discussing how we don’t even want to get out of bed, we want to open our eyes and see Espana. Knowing it will never let me down I reach for the remote and get it started. Cabin fever has set in at this point and from the black box mounted high in our room comes Mambo #5, priceless. No lie, we flailed every limb, phalange and metatarsal on our bodies for a solid three minutes. We remixed it to make the lyrics a bit more fitting, “A little bit of Jaclyn in the sun, a little bit of Caitlin all night long...” The point is I needed off the ship immediately. I know it seems simple just to hit the magic red button again, but it’s the anticipation of “What could possible come on next?” that leaves me itching to get to the next track, before you know it hours have passed and I am left speechless.

Another fantastic moment to end the passage of death: Dean’s Top Ramen snot rocket. We were all sitting on the stern deck outside waiting for dinner to be served, once again it’s the little things that keep you going, and he decided the wait was going to be to perilous. He visits the snack bar and returns with Top Ramen noodles. We are all chatting and laughing when all of the sudden the impossible happens. The Ramen noodle takes a gravity defying turn in Dean’s throat, bypassing the esophagus and opting for the nasal passage. And it’s stuck. The question was to pick it, or blow it. That thing was shot like a cannon ball, and can still be viewed on the stern, deck five port side for all of those interested. Pictures soon to come.

So we made it to Spain. Today we got up really early to see the ship pull in at 0800, the time posted. We wake up, run outside to find out we have been here for hours, the water is brown and they are serving prunes on the breakfast buffet. GET ME OFF THIS SHIP. ☺

My feet touch land and off we go. My posse and I vs. Cadiz, Spain. We walked around all day and had the best coffee, tapas, cerveza, calamari, and sangria. My wallet started to bleed a little bit once we found the shopping district but good thing Daddy sent me with an endless supply of band-aids…right? :P

Cadiz is an adorable city. It is pronounced “Cadeeth” because to my excitement the “s” is pronounced with “th.” Venethuela. Barthelona. Themester at Thea. It is stuff like this that can keep Jaclyn endlessly occupied.

Later in the evening I went to a Flamenco and bullfighting show. The Flamenco dancing was amazing. When it came time for the bullfight I was a little bit nervous! I myself would never want to be in that ring and when they opened the door to unleash the beast, I was not impressed by the veal cow that came trotting out. It looked like a dog with antlers. How much did I pay for this? Seriously, put me in the ring.

TOMORROW: 9am Flight out of Jerez (yere-TH), amazing, to Madrid. I cannot wait for Madrid and I will be back Saturday to tell you all about it.

So far, this is the best semester EVER!

Thanks Mom and Dad.


1 comment:

  1. Themester at Thea. I LOVE IT. you're an awesome writer, girl!
